Nothing Difficult
Simple and Yet So Profound Now, Those Words Will Change Your Life Forever
Simple and Yet So Profound Now, Those Words Will Change Your Life Forever
Let me say it this way. When a Blood Bought, Born Again Christian, recognizes the value of the Articles of God’s Covenant which states, “fear not Abraham, I am Your shield and you exceeding great reward, Gen. 15 :1” (If you are Christ’s you are Abraham’s seed, & heirs according to the promise. Gal. 3:29), …
Our Loving God has been wonderful to us. He has given us a great Salvation through Jesus our Lord. Now with this great Salvation, there is much strategy. We Keep His word in our hearts so that we may act upon it. Oh, there is a portion in His word that speaks of wearing full …
If you take away the yoke, (the putting forth of the finger, which is tearing one another down) and speaking vanity, God has a respite, to attempt to straighten things out in your life because giving over your tongue to speak whatever it feels like, has brought destruction closer than you think. Brothers and Sisters, …