If You could Have Been There

To see with your very own eyes the risen Lord as they did, a mark that could not be erased for gazing into the Savior’s face, leaving an indelible stamp, (as it did those uncompromisingly righteous ones whom He rested this goodness Gospel). Even though we were not there, through the power of His Spirit …


When you get up, and are risen to the heights, a leader to go before the Most Holy preparing a path for His feet. For He must be seated until you arise. And make darkness your footstool, and light to radiate through the night. Arise, stand up, walk with Him each day, let Him order …

Conversation With God

Man ,“ I prayed, and it’s not working out, it’s getting worse.” God, “Who told you that?”  Man, “I guess it was the devil.” God, “ I thought you resisted him, he wasn’t even there. That’s your own carnal mind speaking up to you.” Man, “ Oh, what do I do?” God, “Say only what I …

God Our Father

The Blessings, The Blessings The Joy that is True, The Grace and the Mercy That Cometh Forth From You. The Comfort, Comfort The Strength, we have Gained, has been showered on us through the Power of Your Name. The Infusion Of Life, and that more Abundantly, Lavished on us were set Eternally! I Like to …

A Helpful Hint

Something spoken at the right time, in the right season, could possibly be the encouraging reason, that instead of receding, I kept on believing. Instead of turning back, I surge forward in despite the attack. Instead of being the “death of me,” it preserved my life, and I walked free. Always seek in every presentation, …

Love is patient Love is Kind

Is that just for a little while? No that’s all the time. Even if your having to terminate someone’s position. You look them in the face with a loving disposition. There is so much that love can produce in your life, but remember stay out of agitation, stay out of strife. Romans 13:10 King James …

The Defeat Of a Fretting Spirit

You can obliterated out of your mind Allowing the word of God to sit at your table and stand at the foot of your bed and  be constantly on your mind breaks the power of a “Fretting Spirit.” Turning and churning in your heart and your thinking, the everlasting covenant takes control. Then all of the …

Faith Connections

If you walk and live by faith, you can experience the “ Faith Hook Up.” That’s right. You will be connected; networked, or paired up with those of like precious faith for reinforcement purposes. God has your number and your not going to be out there spiraling through life alone. At each juncture in the …

To the Utmost Jesus Saves

We call Him Savior because when we called upon His name with all of our hearts, he answered. He made his presence known. He change the atmosphere in our souls, and brought the new birth into our hearts. When Jesus walked the earth, he spoke to a ruler in Israel and said ye must be …

In His Likeness

When God made man in his image, in the beginning, he was made with no flaws. And through the New Birth; yes! (receiving Jesus) Thank God! Were not under the curse of the law. Then what surrounds us, as we surround our hearts with His flawless word, please hear, is a spirit of peace and …