No Greater Love

John. 15:1313 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends There can be no greater love than that which has been bestowed upon us by God our Father through the life of his son. You see because of the present situation, man is at the mercy of …

The Refiner’s Fire

The Refiner’s Fire makes things pure. It purges out all that offends, it’s actually good for us. For in a vessel that has been purified by that fire, it’s content will remain uncontaminated, it’s safe to receive what the flows forth from that vessel. Matthew 6:23,24 22 The light of the body is the eye: …

Love is Authority

Two sources. One with the intent to kill, steal, and destroy. The other with the ability to control the works of darkness and keep them from moving against that which God has established in the word for life. If we lean hard on the law of love, ( and it is a definite law), then …

Quietness and Assurance

Related to the Covenant of God’s Love we stand.Walking circumspectly, loving, we raise our hands,giving unto Him the adoration which is wise,but through the diligent obedience of walking in love, He sustains our lives.Quietness and assurance are byproducts foretold,held in reserve for those who love from their heart and not just their soul.This is the …

Oh What a Wonderful Savior

There is a song that says, “To the utmost, Jesus Saves.” And how true this has proven to be down through the ages. Men calling on Him with all their hearts, have found salvation from illnesses, salvation from calamity, Salvation from violent acts, and not only that, salvation from eternal separation from God. Isn’t that …

People People People

God is in love with people. The grandest of all His creation, made in the very image and made like Himself. When He created man, He dreamed of a family. A family that would love Him as much as He loved them. Oh but He still has that dream. You see He’s dreaming of you. …

Calling On the Troops

They are station everywhere. Just waiting for you to give the command. If you are silent, they will not swing into action. They are hearkening to the voice of God’s word spoken by you. Defenders of your faith. Constant surveillance to your property. Having the ability to take out the enemies opposing forces. What will …

An Eternal Inheritance

There is a dividing linein the the heart and in the mindof every child of God who has defined,the wonder working power of in,the blood of Jesus Christ for men. Just as in the land of Goshen,when the destroying angel ravaged the land,those who put the blood of the lamb,upon their doorpost were shielded by …

Oh! Straight to the Jaw!

Naw, God’s gonna double back on him. He’s gonna take the wicked one and do him in. Your going to see the battle of the century, turn into the smoothest most refine victory. Yes God is packin a greater counter than we’ve ever seen. It’s the punch that will go down in history. Satan will …