Power, Love, And A Sound Mind

That’s the Salvation of our Lord. For if no fear is operating in your life, then the power, that stems from Love will preserve you. Your mind is the key, Switching it’s course is your salvation, Let your mind be strengthened by the soundness in the Word. Begin today, a diligent press into the Word. …

Something Altogether New

Think about this,Would God give us less than He did in yesterday year? Or serve us last years blessings due to lack and scarcity down here? I trow not, He is Graciously unfolding, for the newness of the hour, so that we can behold His might, and provisional strength that’s pertinent to light, so that …

Let’s Look At That Again

Wow, if only we had known, that God is so deeply and highly educated. Lol, we would have approach his word in a different way. We would have relaxed, and examined every event that took place, against what was spoken by Him. We would have created mental hypothesis which would have provoked further investigations, and …

The Messenger And The Message

It’s so important to find out who the sender is and analyze the motive for the message. That sounds very trivial but my brothers and sisters, what you receive, and accept, and clasp to your bosom, will affect your life, your destiny, your physical health, your emotional health, your well being, your protection, your longevity, …

An Excellent Display of Love

Who doesn’t want to hear, “You Nailed It, Bravo! Performance Extraordinaire, Well Done, Good for You, Encore”? Such a since of pride in the accomplishments, all modesty set aside Lol! Yet, and the same thing can be true, as your spiritual Father congratulates you for the small kindnesses and the gentle strengthening that you demonstrate …

Love And Proper Alignment

Breaking this down to a simplistic form, if your walking and your feet are not aligned with the walkway, you may bump into a door, step off a cliff, fall into a pond, well you get the gist. We use our eyes and other sensory coordinations to maneuver us as we take steps, walk, or …

For Those Who Seek Him

Let’s share these videos so that those who seek him can be saved. The Spirit of God will arrest men’s attention in many ways. One way He does, is as they navigate through online, He can cause them to come across these anointed videos as this and many others, and draw them in on the …

Covered by His Feathers

What a warm sense of belonging. Just to think, the creator of the universe wraps His loving arms around us. Shielding us with Himself. That embrace is so sacred. It’s a love worth living for.( this word is for some ), readjust your position by cuddling up to God through His word. Use His word …

This Is Not The End Of The Story

Lightning striking, thunder rolling, the earth staggering and reeling and jolting. Yet this is not the end of the story. God emerges, stands in Glory, sharpening His bow, mounting up and lunging forth, discomfiting the forces of darkness, bringing them to a grinding halt. Initiating good, shaping light so that the remnant of men can …