Your Grand Opportunity

To many who read these blogs, they have engaged previously In their grand opportunity to meet the Savior. But we present to those who are reading for the very first time, an opportunity to get to know the one who paid such a high price. As a matter of fact, he gave His life so …

Lovelier Than The Rest!!

Who can this be? It’s the Lord and Savior, His Majesty. Just think of how he thought about us all. When His Father needed Him, He answered His call. His call was to show us His Father in splendor, so that we could really lean in and receive from His Tender Love, Yes, who is …

When You Love Someone

When you love someone, you tell them the truth. But if I harbor knowledge, because of selfish gain, I prove to be and unfaithful friend, to keep my peace, I will not tell them.So I speak up loud and clear, this is not the end of life right here.Once you’ve taken your very last breath,you’ll …

Possible Side Effects

There is possibly a bubbling sensation,A gitty grin, an insatiable positivity, thatBefuddles all men. A winding down of a tenseSituation, giving over to peace for every nation.That is to every nation, that’s willing to ascribe,to the notion that God’s Joy can possibly come up inside.Possible side effects with long lasting affects,to those who follow the …

Rooting Out Bitterness

In our beautiful flower gardens, we are aware of this very thing,that if other roots set down besides,our beautiful flowers,they’ll choke, they’ll die.My goodness no, we won’t allow, are perfect Daffodils to wither or shrink.We’d weed out every other root,friends this should be your link.For bitterness has mighty roots,don’t let them grow, don’t let them …

It’s Finally Here!

You Have So Much To Gain Ephesians 6:1818 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—  Remember, there two stations, on the Regeneration App. This Seminar will be broadcast on the ReGen station and not the Spoken Word Station

You Are My Portion

Such sweet and beautiful words that have come forth from the lips of many an earlier saint, causes me to reflect on my own salvation experience. There has never been a time as I have sought God ( with proper understanding), that he has ever failed to provide in abundance all of my needs and …