To You and Yours

Happy Thanksgiving May This Season cause you to reflect on the God of our Salvation. Ohhh we are sooo thankful that He didn’t leave us in Sins dark sway. Nor did he turn His back on us and just walk away. He aggressively previsioned and sent us His Son, so that all could have a …

I Am Become As..

Oh Praise God! When we entered the family of God, we entered the family of Love. Our old man died. That is, the old nature that Satan had control of. That nature was thrust upon all men born of the race of Adam. Thanks be to God, as Born-Again Christians, we can grow by desiring …

Friendship Never Ends

When it’s based and developed with God’s word.What a solid confidence, that you and the Lord walk as friends the whole of your days earthward. He walks with you, and He talks with you, and You walk with Him, and you talk with Him. Almost like the days before the fall, God’s children have the …

Call Upon That Name

That wonderful name of Jesus. That splendid name of Jesus. That Glorious name of Jesus. It was given just for you. If you will call upon the marvelous name of Jesus, Jesus will save you. He Will Heal you. He will deliver you from all of your fears. That name is just that powerful! All …

Call on That Name

That wonderful name of Jesus. That splendid name of Jesus. That Glorious name of Jesus. It was given just for you. If you will call upon the marvelous name of Jesus, Jesus will save you. He Will Heal you. He will deliver you from all of your fears. That name is just that powerful! All …

Loving The Word of God

Many great structures and monuments have arisen through the ages to the God of our Salvation and to our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Buildings with exquisite Design. Men and women have raised up structures that would be worthy of any substantial man or woman’s fancy. Relished and cherished have they been through the …

Enjoy Every Day With God

Had the children of Israel kept closely the Victory of deliverance, and Gloried in it, day after day, musing in their hearts of how monumental an event this was. Relishing in the fact that God loved them so much to bring them out, they would have enjoyed God every day. Go back to the mightiest …

There Is No Fear In Love

I remember years ago when I listened to my mentor Kenneth Hagin, how he overcame the un-overcomeable. He told of his early years of the struggle he had with obedience to the word of God. You see he had a very serious incurable diseases. Kenneth Hagin had just given his heart to the Lord. He …

The Healing If The Nations

(The Nations) refer to a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. Life hasn’t been to sweet for many. Third world countries have suffered tremendously, but for different reasons then the more advanced and highly sophisticated ones. As a matter of fact the more …