Respite In a Difficult Time

If you take away the yoke, (the putting forth of the finger, which is tearing one another down) and speaking vanity, God has a respite, to attempt to straighten things out in your life because giving over your tongue to speak whatever it feels like, has brought destruction closer than you think. Brothers and Sisters, …

The Song the Whole World Sings

It’s a song about love that everyone so desperately needs. This song has been sung in eternity past; it was the FATHER’S FIRST MELODY; (HIS CREATION ODE, HIS SYMPHONIC RHAPSODY.) Powerful is the song that encapsulates men, but ohhh how to be expressed, through a sweet euphony within? Friend, God has given us the lyrics, …

Faith Dominates Fear

Once you have the mechanics of faith, they will work in any situation. That’s the peace that some need to hear right now.  Faith works the same no matter what comes your way. In other words, the word says your healed, your body may come under some kind of attack, or your finances or protection …

In This Year

In This New Year We will remember that Love is what never fails, (THE GOD KIND OF LOVE). Let’s look into it closely. It will keep the curse through Satan, that came upon the earth through the disobedience of Adam, from destroying our lives, our Ministries, our loved ones, our possessions, and those things most …