This Could be Your Day!

God is reaching out to you now. He wants to demonstrate his love on your behalf. Through his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, you can have the privilege of being included in God’s great big family. He wants you. He has been waiting in the wings, for you to call upon his son. Eagerly desiring …

Grace for Grace

Witnessing one’s own mistakes, short comings & mishaps, can be nerve racking if it were not for the grace of God to have peace through them. Yes, my brother and sister He provides peace on the onset of revelation of missing the mark.  That’s a form of grace that gives us the ability to turn …

Paul Percveeid or Discerned

Paul discerned what the others could not see. Paul speaking here: Acts 27:10And said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives. What if you were the only person that perceived or discerned an upcoming event, …