Revival Flames Are Upon Us

Hearts are yearning with the greatest desire, for God to move once again, with the Holy Ghost and fire. For God appears upon the scene when men hunger and thirst for Righteousness.Matthew 5:66 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled

Was That You?

Attempting to follow directions, many find themselves asking this Lord, this very question. It’s always better to stop, and consider: does what I am perceiving, violate the written Word? Also, you have to consider closely the motivating factor of what comes across the radar. Is this impression in the best interest of others, in other …

There is Strength For You

The Gospel is good news! So let’s spend our lifetime surrounded by its benefits. No one that knows God through our Lord Jesus Christ, has to become weak or feeble. Hallelujah! He has designed that as we  live for Him He lives for us. His life which is eternal, hovers over us while we walk in …

Hi Mama

This is your day. Surrounding you with Love, Joy, Comfort, and His Grace. There is none so special as you are. So precious, so sweet, so deserving of appreciation. You really deserve to be appreciated you see, the countless hours you gave to me, and to those Mamas who give to their young Globally, you …

He’s Been Faithful

Looking back, I stop to rejoice. Ohhhh, and lift up my voice! God has been truly faithful in everything. There has never been a time, when I called upon Him, with earnest entreaty, that He shunned my voice, and treated it with disregard. Do you know there are things we are still learning? And a …