The Test

Respectfully, the time has come. The good thing about this is, it’s an open book test. And what’s so wonderful about this is, we have a Helper on the inside, to remind us where things are found, and again, we have His Aid to assure us of the absolute validity of the author’s most complete …

The Anointing

It’s one thing to have the Word of God n your possession, and to even speak some of those glorious phrases. However there is such a thing as an ANOINTING, that can take over so quickly, taking you to another level, raising you up to a place, where your not just merely in the race, …

“If You Love Me”

“Tell me more, I want to here just how special I really am.” That’s actually a wonderful thing to do, for God said that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. There is nobody in all the world quite like you, this is what the Lord says of you. Yet as we begin to grow and …

The Silent Years

The silent years between Malachi and Matthew, Mark, Luke, And John, speak volumes today. The Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus share a nations tragedies until triumph. But all along God had a plan, working meticulously until he could get in his Son. The Son of Man who wrought a mighty deliverance, to those sold under the …

The Forces of Life

The forces of life flow forth from the heart: Love and Hate, Joy and Peace, Strength or Weakness, Light or Darkness, Good or Evil. That’s why man must have a change of heart. If he is not saved, he must be born again as Jesus has said. If he is saved, and his Old Nature …

The Most Important Words Of All

Honor and Respect Come Through Magnifying God’s Counsel, And Making It Your Life’s Choice. God Hears the Israelites’ Cry 23 And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God …