Splits In Different Realms

What happens when you split an atom? … The energy released in splitting just one atom is miniscule. However, when the nucleus is split under the right conditions, some stray neutrons are also released and these can then go on to split more atoms, releasing more energy and more neutrons, causing a chain reaction. And …

Revolving Around Us

Your always on the move! Even when you’re standing still, you’re moving! You are moving because the earth and everything in our solar system is constantly moving. Did you know that God is moving at the same time we’re moving, revolving around us, keeping us protected, from dangers seen and unseen. i.e.( Those who have …

This Great Big Family

I am excited that you are in the family of God! Your my brothers and sisters from all walks of life. Come on, get a glimpse with me, we all as God’s children are so diverse, coming from different backgrounds, out of every nation. Sometimes borders are the only thing that separates us, unless we …

There Is An Exit

If you have found yourself on an endless cycle that continually spirals downward. Take heart! Their is a key, walking in the light of truth produces liberty. Though it seems confining, and appears to restrict, it destroys the cycle that enslaves and addicts. Get under the cover of the blood of Jesus Christ. It will …

Journeying Upward

Have you ever watched men and women climb Mt Kilimanjaro? I have. I have watched the determination of those who seemed to be fearless. They’ve taken cameras on their headsets, and one can watch the trek as it progresses. In some of the sections, everyone appears jolly. Then other sections, a seriousness comes across the …

“Because I Said So!”

Man! A lot of us were taught to obey with the above words attached. Under threat of corporal punishment, some of us as children complied. But as we grew up, we began to understand the great importance of following quickly those parental commands. This either developed a healthy respect or, regretful emotions, that a close …

Love Never Waits

Whilst in the service of the King, see your mandate as, supreme. Okay, that’s a little firm, let me be just a little lighter. If your not careful, images will arise that try to take control of your eyes. In other words, “what’s the use!” An American phrase meaning I don’t see any results! “All …