Moving Towards Love

You’ll find warmth there. You’ll find comfort there You’ll find shelter from the swirling of the tide. You’ll be lifted high above those things and in his arms abide. Moving towards love, is Moving towards God. John15:13-14 No Greater Love 12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. …

Looking Unto Jesus

Time is at hand. The race must be won! Determine today that distractions, you’ll shun. At the starting block, at the sounding of the gun, lean forward and enter into the race again, this time with the utmost determination to win. Keep your gaze steady on Christ, and those from the grandstands of heaven will …

Life More Abundantly!

As advancement in technology has taken place in the earth, so we advance in the knowledge of our Covenant Established on BETTER PROMISES Hebrews 8:6. God is so high-tech in his ability to Protect, Bless, Empower and Shower blessings upon the faithful hearts in this very hour. Yes! Step in the the vein of his …

Finishing Strong

What a Marvelous thing! The Creator, that set you on your course, has graciously made it possible that you could be strong at the onset of your journey, gain strength as you progress in your particular endeavors, and as your assignments end, you can be stronger than you were before you began. We have his …

The House That Could Not Be Shaken

Can it be, is it possible that a structure could withstand the torrents of rain and the gusts of wind that damaged the houses in its vicinity?What caused that structure to stay in tact? Many Saints have made their stand upon the promises made to them by God. There are numerous testimonies around the world …

A Beautiful Place

It’s a place where love doeth abide. A place where the weary can be revived. It’s a place where those who do excel, respond in Worship to the one who helped them do all things well. (This is Wisdom). A Lovely place to be in life, the Father’s good Graces, that cause Radiant faces. Psalm …

Because of God’s Love, Our Lives Are Redeemed From Destruction

To those who look into the perfect law of liberty, and continue, there in, (the keys is to continue and not allow the wicked one to corrupt the text in your thinking,) this man or woman will be blessed, that is empowered to prosper in his deeds. James 1;25 That includes living until your satisfied. …