Why would the Roman centurion even consider that Jesus might heal his servant that was sick? The words that came from the lips of the master comprised the actual heart of the Father. Some Romans had been sympathetic to the Jewish cause and help in building them a synagogue. Then when this Roman heard of the man from Galilee, he listen to hear whether he gave counsel against Rome, he listened to hear whether his speech gendered to an unlawful up rising. He listen to hear whether this one who had done so many miracles had within his speech deep rooted bitterness against the occupying nation. Then upon recommendation of some of the Jewish leaders he presented his petition to the Lord. The immediate response of the Lord models what the Lord gave command to his people: Bless them that curse you, and pray for them who despitefully use you. Luke 6:28 Even though this individual Roman was sympathetic to their cause, their nation was violently opposed to all who did not give their allegiance to Cesar.
When our messages matches that of the Masters, Even those who would have remain mortal enemies to Jesus, can get a glimpse of what God is really like. And at that last day, when each one of us stands Individually before the judgement seat of Christ; to give account of the deeds done in the body, whether it be good or bad, and he looks at those who would have made it in, if we would have represented him properly…..
Let’s make adjustments before that final day so God can use you to bring such change that those who are slipping down into, that chasm of great separation, eternally, will be able to pull up just in time.