You know, what seems right to the natural man is not always the way to go. For instance, one might say, “ they were mean to me. I will get back at them.” So the violence continues. Then, not understanding that if they had pulled out that seed of bitterness Satan tried to sow, they would have avoided the fruit that comes along side. What are SOME of the fruits of bitterness? Number one, bitterness separate you your source of help and proper deliverance. God is able to be a comfort and stand between you and that offense; and keep you from stumbling. Number two. Bitterness darkens the soul, so that you are unable to perceive what’s right and wrong anymore. So it intensifies as its fruit increases in size. Third, It breaks down the hedge of protection that stood between you and sickness, that stood between you and financial collapse, that stood between you, and your household’s covenant rights of deliverance. Hebrews 2:3. The angels eventually have to fold their hands and bow their heads while Satan get through in destructive ways. But ohhh thank God for the solution! When we confess our sins, he’s faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9.
Then the hedge of protection goes up once again. The angels resume their activities, and the restoration of fellowship with God is complete. Get back under the covenant of God’s protection.
Luke 17:1a. It’s impossible but that offenses will come Jesus said, but don’t let them damage your position in God. He is mighty to save .
Proverbs 14:12
12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.