A Proper Analysis Of The Family Of God

Do you think this little person can adequately care for his new baby brother? Not so, but under close guard and supervision he holds on to that tiny mite. This will help us to understand one another in the family of God. There are SOME that are a little older, or a little more mature, but there are many that have come into the care of the mini mee’s so to speak and are very young in there growth. Step back and look at the household of God from this vantage point. Receive a greater understanding of who God is working with. Not all are in this category but there are many that are. Some have attain to a little more knowledge, but are very very young in their development of that knowledge. Sooo much prayer is necessary both for the new born, and those who have the care of them.  

The Apostle Paul said, My LITTLE CHILDREN, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, Gal. 4:19

When prayer is made for the church as a whole, with supplications and giving of thanks, this releases the Holy Spirit Of God to begin to reveal what’s needed for growth.
